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Wheaten or Black Ameraucana 0-4 weeks old

Wheaten or Black Ameraucana 0-4 weeks old

Regular price $9.00
Regular price Sale price $9.00
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Blue, Black, or Wheaten Ameraucanas - a rare and coveted addition to any poultry enthusiast's flock. These distinctive breeds are known for their striking colors and unique characteristics, including slate-colored legs and distinguishing facial features like fuzzy beards, poofy cheeks, and a pea comb. With limited availability in the United States, owning a Blue, Black, or Wheaten Ameraucana is a true privilege. Elevate your flock with these exceptional and eye-catching birds today.

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Barnyard Chicken– A mixed breed chicken.

12 Day Old Chicks

The day-old chicks need to be kept at a constant 95° their first week, 90° the second week, and so on (reducing 5° per week) until they're five to six weeks old or reach the ambient outdoor temperatures. A 250-watt, red infrared heat lamp suspended over the middle of the brooder is the recommended source for this heat.

Customer Reviews

I Purchased my mom and all my sisters lovely hen T shirts. They love them every time.
Sarah McNeil.

  • Lovely Hen Silkie

    My Silkies are so beautiful ! Thank you Lovely Hen.

    Samantha Tate

  • Pullet

    She is doing great. Lovely Hen has made my backyard a dream.

    Andrea Lopez’